Where will my ETD be published?
Research Repository @ WVU
The Research Repository @ WVU is a service of the WVU Libraries and the WVU Office of Research, providing a home for the scholarship, creative work, and research of West Virginia University faculty, expanding the reach and impact of work conducted at WVU.The ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database is a service WVU Libraries subscribes to that offers access to a vast collection of theses and dissertations from institutions nationwide. Once your ETD is included in PQDT, it will be available behind a paywall, allowing individuals to purchase single copies. Each time someone buys a copy, you will earn royalties, which ProQuest will pay out once they reach a specified threshold. (You still own the copyright to your work, and can make contracts to publish it in journals or with other publishers. You are only giving ProQuest limited rights to sell individual copies). The ingestion process for PQDT typically takes 8–12 weeks, but the entire timeline—from the initial publication in the Research Repository @WVU to appearing in PQDT—can take up to six months. ETDs with campus-access or no-access restrictions are not included in PQDT.