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Find Published ETDs

Where will my ETD be published?

Research Repository @ WVU

The Research Repository @ WVU is a service of the WVU Libraries and the WVU Office of Research, providing a home for the scholarship, creative work, and research of West Virginia University faculty, expanding the reach and impact of work conducted at WVU.

Proquest Dissertations and Theses 
The ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database is a service that University Libraries subscribe to that lets people search theses and dissertations from schools all across the country in one place. Your ETD will live behind the paywall in the ProQuest database and people will be able to buy single copies of it from them. Each time someone does so, you will earn royalties, which ProQuest will pay out to you after they reach a certain amount. (You still own the copyright to your work, and can make contracts to publish it in journals or with other publishers. You are only giving ProQuest limited rights to sell individual copies). Export Controlled Research, Problem/Project Reports and MFA – Creative Writing theses will not be placed into the ProQuest database.


In 2018, WVU Libraries joined the EBSCO Open Dissertation Database. All ETD submissions that do not have delayed publishing embargos will be listed in this database. This is a second service that will enhance the dissemination of your research. It is an open access service, so no royalties will be earned from this service. Export Controlled Research and MFA – Creative Writing theses will not be placed into the EBSCO Open Dissertations database.

What should I do if there is a problem with my published ETD? 
If you have any problems with your published ETD, contact us at